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**July, 26, 2024** It has come to our attention that some customers in our service area have received fraudulent phone calls from spam numbers posing as our "Fraud Department" asking customers to provide sensitive account information. These calls are not from United Bank. This is a reminder to not answer fraudulent phone calls or give out any personal information. If you have any questions, please contact United Bank at 800-423-7026
**August 14, 2023** It has come to our attention that several customers have received text messages from 'United Bnk Alert' with a message asking customers to enter digital banking access information. THESE TEXTS ARE NOT FROM UNITED BANK. Please do not click on the link or give out any information. The link will direct you to a website that looks like United Bank's, but it is not. If you have any questions, please contact United Bank at 800-423-7026. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Find answers to urgent questions about missing cards and stolen identities, information on how United Bank is protecting your accounts, and suggestions on what you can do to best protect yourself along with educational tips and useful links. Please visit this page anytime you have a question or for the most up-to-date information on fraud and security.
As always, if you have further questions, please contact us during business hours at 251-446-6000.
Please note that in the normal course of business, United Bank will NEVER call, email or text you and ask for your debit or credit card number, account number, expiration date, security code or PIN. Additionally, United Bank will not call and ask you for personal information such as your Social Security number. If YOU CONTACT US, you may be prompted to verify your information, for example, we may ask for the last four numbers of your SSN or to verify your address.
United Bank has Fraud Prevention Measures to contact their cardholders when suspicious activity is suspected and we may do this via text/email/voice calls. Be sure to keep your records at United Bank updated with the most current contact information.
ID Theft Aid Benefits are available with your Val U Checking account, please visit BaZing's website for more information. Follow the link and log in using your account login and password, then hover over Categories and select Protection. Then click ID Theft Aid.
Immediate Needs
During Business Hours: Visit or call any United Bank branch or 800-423-7026 to put a freeze on your debit card and discuss options for replacement and/or any additional steps that may need to be taken. You can also disable your debit card in Online Banking under "Manage Cards". You may also freeze your debit card by using UB Mobile Banking. Download the free app by visiting Apple or Google Play app stores and search for 'UB Mobi'.
You may be able to immediately replace your Debit Card by visiting one of our branches. Our Card @ Once instant issue service is available at all of our locations.
After Hours or on the Weekend: Call 833-933-1648 and follow the prompts to report your card lost or stolen. If you have a Debit Card that is not associated with United Bank and it is during business hours, contact the bank that the card is associated with for help. After hours, visit the bank’s website or send us a message in Online Banking under "Messaging".
Blocked card because of possible fraud: Please call 833-933-1648.
To report a credit card lost or stolen, call 800-423-7503 and follow the instructions. This line is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can also call us with questions during business hours at 800-423-7026.
If you are planning International Travel, please let us know prior to your trip by calling 800-423-7026. For International Support while out of the country, please call 727-570-4849.
If you don’t recognize a transaction, visit or call any United Bank Branch to discuss the circumstances and find out what steps need to be taken to clear up the issue. You may also call United Bank’s First Impressions Customer Service Line at 800-423-7026.
If you find an unauthorized transaction after business hours, please email unitedbank@unitedbank.com and we will respond to you promptly to help resolve your issue.
When fraud is suspected on an account, customers may be contacted via text/emails/voice calls. If your information has changed or you would like to confirm your contact information, please contact your local branch or call 800-423-7026.
Visit or call any United Bank branch, or call United Bank’s First Impressions Customer Service line at 800-423-7026 during business hours. You can choose to place a stop payment on a single check or series of checks. Depending on the circumstances, you may be advised to take additional steps if necessary.
Call the credit bureaus to report your lost information. If you feel that there has been criminal activity involved, please report to the local authorities.
If you plan on using your Debit Card while traveling either domestically or internationally, please call United Bank’s First Impressions Customer Services Line at 800-423-7026 to let us know that you are traveling to avoid possible interruption in service while you are out of town. You can also purchase an Advantage Prepaid Card for safer transactions both in the United States and abroad. Debit card holders, if you are planning International Travel, please let us know prior to your trip by calling 800-423-7026. For International Support while out of the country, please call 812-647-9794 (long distance or international charges may apply).
Credit card holders, if you are planning International Travel, please let us know prior to your trip by calling 800-423-7026. For International Support while out of the country, please call 727-570-4849.
Never give out personal or account information over the phone, email or text. If you receive a call that is suspicious, hang up and call the organization at a phone number you know to be correct to verify the validity (or not) of the call. If you receive a suspicious or fraudulent email that appears to have come from United Bank, please forward it to our Fraud Team at spam@unitedbank.com.
Never reply or click on links within suspicious emails or texts. Contact the organization at a phone number you know to be correct to verify the validity (or not) of the email or text.
Occasionally, if we suspect fraudulent charges on your debit card, unitedbank@unitedbank.com will email you asking you to verify whether you actually made a transaction. It is okay to click in these emails to let us know whether you initiated the transaction or not. As always, if you have doubts, please contact your local branch or call 800-423-7026. Click here for more information on our debit card security features.
Often when a breach is announced, it is not known immediately whether your specific card has been impacted. It is important to monitor information released from the retailer as well as any communications from United Bank to stay up-to-date on the breach. In addition, be sure to use online or mobile banking to monitor your accounts.
While it is not always necessary to replace a card that has been involved in a breach, if you are more comfortable doing so, please contact us at 800-423-7026 to discuss options.
You may be a victim of identity theft if:
- You see unexplained withdrawals from your accounts
- You don't receive bills or other mail
- You receive calls about debt you did not incur or services you did not use
- You find unfamiliar accounts, charges or other information on your credit report
- You get notice that your information was compromised in a data breach at a company where you do business
What should I do if information is lost or stolen, but my accounts do not show any problems?
If your information such as wallet, Social Security card, or other personal, financial or account information is lost or stolen, you should contact the three credit reporting companies and place a fraud alert on your credit account. Check your statements for unusual activity. Depending on what information was lost or stolen, you may want to take additional steps. For instance, you can exercise your legal right to a free copy of your credit report.
Place an initial fraud alert by contacting one of the following credit reporting companies. They will contact the other two to alert them to your situation.
Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
Request a credit freeze if you feel it necessary. This makes it less likely an identity thief can open new accounts in your name. To request a credit freeze, contact each credit reporting company to report that you are an identity theft victim and request a credit freeze. There may be a fee involved depending on the state in which you live.
Order your credit reports by contacting each of the credit reporting companies. Explain that you placed an initial fraud alert and order your free copy of your credit report.
Create an identity theft report by following these three steps:
- Submit a complaint about the theft to the FTC at www.ftc.gov/complaint or by calling 1-877-438-4338. When you finish writing all of the details, print a copy of the report. It will print as an Identity Theft Affidavit.
- File a police report about the identity theft, and get a copy of the police report or the report number. Bring your FTC Identity Theft Affidavit when you file a police report.
- Attach your FTC Identity Theft Affidavit to your police report to make an Identity Theft Report.
Once you have completed these initial steps, be sure to review your credit reports and dispute any errors with the credit reporting companies. Contact United Bank for help ensuring that your United Bank accounts are safe.
For further information, please visit the FTC ID Theft website.
Lost or Stolen Debit Card: Call 800-423-7026 and follow the prompts to report your debit card lost or stolen.
Lost or Stolen Credit Card: Call 800-423-7503 and follow the instructions.
You can also email unitedbank@unitedbank.com anytime. We will get back to you promptly to help resolve your issues.
If you find that your Advantage Prepaid Card has been lost or stolen, please call 800-416-6373 or visit myubadvantage.com and follow the instructions given.
What is United Bank Doing to Protect Me?
Account Monitoring
United Bank considers your account security of primary importance and offers multiple ways for you to monitor your accounts. Our options include online banking, mobile banking and 24-hour telephone banking. You can also set up email and text alerts for balance and transaction notifications. Find our smartphone app in the App Store or Google Play Store by searching "United Bank Atmore." For 24-hour account inquiries, you can call 800-861-8752.
Instant Issue Debit Cards
If your cards are lost or need to be replaced, Instant Issue cards are available at all of our locations. Some fees may apply.
Debit Card Limits
In most cases, United Bank debit cards are issued with a $800 daily spending limit and $500 ATM withdrawal limit. These limits are intended to safeguard your accounts from theft if someone were to access your cards. Increases to these limits can be considered by contacting your account officer.
Fraud Monitoring
United Bank continually monitors spending patterns to identify transactions that may appear out of the ordinary. United Bank has Fraud Prevention measures to contact their cardholders when suspicious activity is suspected and we may do this via text/email/voice call. Be sure to keep your United Bank records updated with the most current contact information. If in doubt, you can always call United Bank's First Impressions Customer Service at 800-423-7026 for further assistance.
Email and Phishing
To combat phishing, please remember that United Bank will never ask for sensitive information from you via email (ex. Social Security number, access ID, passcode or account number, or ATM/debit card number and PIN). Also, any email notification that you receive from United Bank will not contain a "Click Here" link. This will help you identify between a legitimate email from us and a phishing email from someone attempting to imitate the bank.
Password Resets
United Bank is committed to keeping you safe online. That is why we ask you to update your online banking passwords at least every 180 days.
Internal Technology
Authentication ensures that you, the legitimate user, are communicating with us and not a fraudster who does not have authority to access your online accounts.
SSL stands for "Secure Socket Layer." This technology allows users to establish sessions with secure websites, meaning they have minimal risk of external violation. Once inside online banking our use of SSL technology keeps you and your account information safe.
Encryption turns words and phrases into coded language. All of your online activities during an online banking session become a string of unrecognizable numbers online. We employ the strongest forms of cryptography that are commercially available for use online, so your account information will read as gibberish to everyone but you and us.
High-end firewalls protect our computer systems interacting with the internet against unauthorized access by outside individuals or networks.
Automatic log off will automatically log you off after 10 minutes of inactivity during an online banking session. So if you forget to log off after your online session, we will do this for you to prevent anyone else from accessing your account.
How Can I Protect My Identity?
Protecting your personal information can help reduce your risk of identity theft. There are four main ways to do it:
- Know who you share information with.
- Store and dispose of your personal information securely, especially your Social Security number.
- Ask questions before deciding to share your personal information.
- Maintain appropriate security on your computers and other electronic devices.
The Federal Trade Commission has the most comprehensive set of information on protecting your identity and safeguarding your information. See more at FTC.gov
Keeping Your Personal Information Secure Offline
Lock your financial documents and records in a safe place at home, and lock your wallet or purse in a safe place at work. Keep your information secure from roommates or workers who come into your home.
Limit what you carry. When you go out, take only the identification, credit, and debit cards you need. Leave your Social Security card at home. Make a copy of your Medicare card and black out all but the last four digits on the copy. Carry the copy with you, unless you are going to use your card at the doctor's office.
Before you share information at your workplace, a business, your child's school, or at a doctor's office, ask why they need it, how they will safeguard it, and the consequences of not sharing.
Shred receipts, credit offers, credit applications, insurance forms, physician statements, checks, bank statements, expired charge cards, and similar documents when you don't need them any longer.
Destroy the labels on prescription bottles before you throw them out. Don't share your health plan information with anyone who offers you free health services or products.
Take outgoing mail to post office collection boxes or the post office. Promptly remove mail that arrives in your mailbox. If you won't be home for several days, request a vacation hold on your mail.
When you order new checks, don't have them mailed to your home, unless you have a secure mailbox with a lock.
Consider opting out of prescreened offers of credit and insurance by mail. You can opt out for five years or permanently. To opt out, call 1-888-567-8688 or go to optoutprescreen.com. The three nationwide credit reporting companies operate the phone number and website. Prescreened offers can provide many benefits. If you opt out, you may miss out on some offers of credit.
Keeping Your Personal Information Secure Online
Know who you share your information with. Store and dispose of your personal information securely.
Be Alert to Impersonators
Make sure you know who is getting your personal and financial information. Don't give out personal information on the phone, through the mail or over the Internet unless you have initiated the contact or you know who you're dealing with. If a company that claims to have an account with you sends you an email asking for personal information, don't click on links in the email. Instead, type the company name into your web browser, go to their site, and contact them through customer service. Or, call the customer service number listed on your account statement. Ask whether the company really sent a request.
Safely Dispose of Personal Information
Before you dispose of a computer, get rid of all the personal information it stores. Use a wipe utility program to overwrite the entire hard drive.
Encrypt Your Data
Keep your browser secure. To guard your online transactions, use encryption software that scrambles information you send over the internet. A "lock" icon on the status bar of your internet browser means your information will be safe when it's transmitted. Look for the lock before you send personal or financial information online.
Keep Passwords Private
Use strong passwords with your laptop, credit, bank, and other accounts. Be creative: think of a special phrase and use the first letter of each word as your password. Substitute numbers for some words or letters. For example, "I want to see the Pacific Ocean" could become 1W2CtPo.
Don't Overshare on Social Networking Sites
If you post too much information about yourself, an identity thief can find information about your life, use it to answer 'challenge' questions on your accounts, and get access to your money and personal information. Consider limiting access to your networking page to a small group of people. Never post your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, or account numbers in publicly accessible sites.
Securing Your Social Security Number
Keep a close hold on your Social Security number and ask questions before deciding to share it. Ask if you can use a different kind of identification. If someone asks you to share your SSN or your child's, ask:
- why they need it
- how it will be used
- how they will protect it
- what happens if you don't share the number
The decision to share is yours. A business may not provide you with a service or benefit if you don't provide your number. Sometimes you will have to share your number. Your employer and financial institutions need to see your SSN for wage and tax reporting purposes. A business may ask for your SSN so they can check your credit when you apply for a loan, rent an apartment, or sign up for utility service.
Keeping Your Devices Secure
Use Security Software
Install anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and a firewall. Set your preference to update these protections often. Protect against intrusions and infections that can compromise your computer files or passwords by installing security patches for your operating system and other software programs.
Avoid Phishing Emails
Don't open files, click on links, or download programs sent by strangers. Opening a file from someone you don't know could expose your system to a computer virus or spyware that captures your passwords or other information you type.
Be Wise About Wi-Fi
Before you send personal information over your laptop or smartphone on a public wireless network in a coffee shop, library, airport, hotel or other public place, see if your information will be protected. If you use an encrypted website, it protects only the information you send to and from that site. If you use a secure wireless network, all the information you send on that network is protected.
Lock Up Your Laptop
Keep financial information on your laptop only when necessary. Don't use an automatic login feature that saves your username and password, and always log off when you're finished. That way, if your laptop is stolen, it will be harder for a thief to get to your personal information.
Read Privacy Policies
Yes, they can be long and complex, but they tell you how the site maintains accuracy, access, security, and control of the personal information it collects; how it uses the information, and whether it provides that information to third parties. If you don't see or understand a site's privacy policy, consider doing business elsewhere.
Identity Protection Educational Information and Helpful Links
Consumer/Check Fraud and Security Protection
Here at United Bank, it is our goal to ensure that you are educated on how to protect yourself and your account from falling victim to identity theft and fraud schemes.
United Bank considers your account security of primary importance and offers multiple ways for you to monitor your accounts. Our options include online banking*, mobile banking*, and 24 hour telephone banking.
United Bank will NEVER call, email or text you and ask for your debit or credit card number, account number, expiration date, security code or PIN. Additionally, United Bank will not call and ask you for personal information such as your Social Security Number. If YOU CONTACT US, you may be prompted to verify your information, for example, we may ask for the last four numbers of your Social Security Number or to verify your address.
6 Ways to Lessen the Chance of Check Fraud
1. Pay your bills online if possible
2. Deliver your mail to a post office box
3. Use a pen with blue or black non-erasable gel ink if writing a check
4. Don’t let delivered mail sit in your mailbox
5. Monitor your bank accounts
6. Report incidents quickly
*Fees may apply for some services within Online Banking or Mobile Banking. Cell phone text and data rates may apply.